Hardware fault injection attacks for everyone
2022-08-14, 10:30–12:30, Large LED
Taal: Engels

Ever heard about glitching attacks, but it looked too much like black magic? Ever wanted to defeat the security settings locking away a microcontroller's debugging interface? In this workshop, you'll learn how to perform these dark arts yourself.

In this workshop, we'll first cover some theory behind fault injection attacks and voltage glitching in specific, and how the debug interface of our target (an RL78/G13) operates. Then we'll build a working glitching setup from a microcontroller, a few discrete components and a breadboard, which we will then use to defeat the security features of the target.

NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS: participating in this workshop will require flashing custom firmware on your camp badge (sorry). If you don't know how to do this, please contact me beforehand. (Alternatively, if you have a Raspberry Pico, you can bring one along, it should work, too.)

Wat is het maximale aantal deelnemers aan jouw workshop of activiteit?


Moet er extra betaald worden om deel te nemen?

€8.5, does not need to be the same for every participant, I just want to recover the material costs (€170)

Zie ook:

Engineering student at KU Leuven, demoscener, busy doing fault injection attacks on the Nintendo DSi

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